My kids are so neat. They make me laugh all the time and their creativity surprises me. One day they decided to play knight and princess, and this is how Lily walked into the room -
Yes, those are toilet paper rolls on her arms as "arm protectors." That is indeed an elephant mask on her head, representing a helmet, and her shirt is on backwards because knights are boys and boys don't have Hello Kitty shirts...
Maggie is usually the princess, sleeping under a spell, guarded by a dragon, awaiting rescue-
Although, it seems that this is the only situation where being the knight is preferable to being the princess, because Maggie has taken up being the knight when Lily is playing something else or sleeping
The costumes have evolved over the last couple of days. Thanks to Leanne for the tin foil armor recommendation. We've also added shields, new swords, and different "helmets"
Where's the dragon, you might be asking? Well, I've got a mask, too, and a nice green fleece with a hood that serves as wings. But I take the pictures, so you'll just have to use your imagination.
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