Sunday, September 19, 2010

Well, here we are


We're here in Curitiba, Brazil.   Mac's been here for 7 weeks now - the girls and I have been here for less than a week.  Don't worry, I'll give you the blow-by-blow details about our trip here.

About the blog - don't expect too much, please.  Just a place for us to update the friends and family that are interested in what we're up to down here in the Southern hemisphere.  Those blogs you go to to laugh or be moved - this isn't it.

About the name - Bean and Moo are our nicknames for the girls.  They are both growing out of them and have asked us to stop using them, but the pressure to come up with a name for this blog led me to use them anyway.  Sorry girls!

Just wanted to get set up.  Pictures and more information to follow!



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